
In GraphQL you use queries to fetch data from a server. In Strawberry you can define the data your server provides by defining query types.

By default all the fields the API exposes are nested under a root Query type.

This is how you define a root query type in Strawberry:

class Query:
name: str
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

This creates a schema where the root type Query has one single field called name.

As you notice we don’t provide a way to fetch data. In order to do so we need to provide a resolver , a function that knows how to fetch data for a specific field.

For example in this case we could have a function that always returns the same name:

def get_name() -> str:
return "Strawberry"
class Query:
name: str = strawberry.field(resolver=get_name)
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

So now, when requesting the name field, the get_name function will be called.

Alternatively a field can be declared using a decorator:

class Query:
def name(self) -> str:
return "Strawberry"


GraphQL fields can accept arguments, usually to filter out or retrieve specific objects:

class Query:
def fruit(self, startswith: str) -> str | None:
for fruit in FRUITS:
if fruit.startswith(startswith):
return fruit
return None

Additional metadata can be added to arguments, for example a custom name and description using strawberry.argument with typing.Annotated :

class Query:
def fruits(
is_tasty: Annotated[
bool | None,
description="Filters out fruits by whenever they're tasty or not",
deprecation_reason="isTasty argument is deprecated, "
"use fruits(taste:SWEET) instead",
] = None,
) -> list[str]: ...
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