Export Schema

[!INFO] The export_schema management command provided here is specifically designed for use with strawberry_django . The default Strawberry export command won’t work with strawberry_django schemas because strawberry_django extends the base functionality of Strawberry to integrate with Django models and queries. This command ensures proper schema export functionality.

The export_schema management command allows you to export a GraphQL schema defined using the strawberry_django library. This command converts the schema definition to GraphQL schema definition language (SDL), which can then be saved to a file or printed to the console.


To use the export_schema command, you need to specify the schema location(e.g., myapp.schema). Optionally, you can provide a file path to save the schema. If no path is provided, the schema will be printed to the console.

Terminal window
python manage.py export_schema <schema_location> --path <output_path>




Here’s an example of how to use the export_schema command:

Terminal window
python manage.py export_schema myapp.schema --path=output/schema.graphql

In this example, the schema located at myapp.schema will be exported to the file output/schema.graphql .

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