Custom Resolvers

Basic resolvers are generated automatically once the types are declared.

However it is possible to override them with custom resolvers.

Sync resolvers

Sync resolvers can be used in both ASGI/WSGI and will be automatically wrapped in sync_to_async when running async.
import strawberry_django
from strawberry import auto
from typing import List
from . import models
class Color:
id: auto
name: auto
def fruits(self) -> List[Fruit]:
return self.fruits.objects.filter(...)

Async resolvers

Async resolvers can be used when running using ASGI.
import strawberry_django
from strawberry import auto
from typing import List
from . import models
from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async
class Color:
id: auto
name: auto
async def fruits(self) -> List[Fruit]:
return sync_to_async(list)(self.fruits.objects.filter(...))

Optimizing resolvers

When using custom resolvers together with the Query Optimizer Extension you might need to give it a β€œhint” on how to optimize that field

Take a look at the optimization hints docs for more information about this topic.

Issues with Resolvers

It is important to note that overriding resolvers also removes default capabilities (e.g. Pagination , Filter ), exception for relay connections . You can however still add those by hand and resolve them:
import strawberry
from strawberry import auto
from strawberry.types import Info
import strawberry_django
from . import models
@strawberry_django.filter(models.Fruit, lookups=True)
class FruitFilter:
id: auto
name: auto
@strawberry_django.type(models.Fruit, order=FruitOrder)
class Fruit:
id: auto
name: auto
@strawberry_django.type(models.Fruit, is_interface=True)
class Fruit:
id: auto
name: auto
class Query:
def fruits(
filters: FruitFilter | None = strawberry.UNSET,
order: FruitOrder | None = strawberry.UNSET,
info: Info
) -> list[Fruit]
qs = models.fruit.objects.all()
# apply filters if defined
if filters is not strawberry.UNSET:
qs = strawberry_django.filters.apply(filters, qs, info)
# apply ordering if defined
if order is not strawberry.UNSET:
qs = strawberry_django.ordering.apply(filters, qs)
return qs
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